Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
December 31, 2014
In This Issue
January closing date
Reminder: Six IMRF Documents to look for in 2015
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January closing date for 2014 payroll    


Your December 2014 wage report is due no later than January 10, 2015.

Submitting your final 2014 wage report and adjustments (if any) by January 10, 2015, will allow us to process the report/adjustments in time to include the information on your members' 2014 Member Statements of Account. We also ask that you resolve any outstanding suspended wages by this date.

Wage reports and/or adjustments received after January 10, 2015,
may not appear until the 2015 Member Statements of Account (received in early 2016).

Reminder: Six IMRF documents to look for in 2015   

Your employer will receive six key documents from IMRF during 2015. These documents detail your employer's pension assets, liabilities, and contribution rate. Your employer needs this information for financial planning, accounting, and reporting purposes.


These documents include:

  • Employer Reserve Statement
  • Employer Copies of Member Statements
  • GASB 50 Footnote Disclosure
  • Preliminary Rate Notice
  • GASB 68 Report
  • Final Rate Notice
All of these documents are available in your Employer Access Document Archive.

To learn more about each of these documents, read the December 2014 Employer Reminder.
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